We have set up a link where you can download all of the bonus materials for The RRSP Secret in one convenient Zip file.
Please keep in mind that the book and materials were originally published in 2010/2011.
While the concepts and ideas are all generally very applicable today, the regulations, laws and guidelines routinely change, so it is important to double check that you are dealing with the most current documents, policies, rules, etc. that cover RRSP investing in today’s environment. Things continually change, and you should verify any information upon which you are relying prior to making any financial, investment or legal decisions.
Important Notes:
TD Waterhouse is no longer involved in acting as trustee for Arm’s Length Mortgages, so their information is irrelevant in the bonus materials.
Also, please note that this file is large (approximately 656 Megabtyes) so it will take some time to download, depending on your internet connection speed.

In part because of this book, Arm’s Length Mortgages via RRSPs have become a much more common and popular strategy in Canada – and I hope you find it useful in building your financial future.
If you have any questions or want more follow up support, we would encourage you to reach to the various trustees – they have departments that deal specifically with Arm’s Length Mortgages, and they can answer any questions you have. You can also talk to local mortgage brokers who have experience in RRSP mortgage lending.
Good luck and all the best with your investing!
To Your Success,
Greg Habstritt

SimpleWealth Inc.
222, 1716 – 16 Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2M 0L7